Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Bye Kyrgyzstan!

Location: Kara-Kol (Tadjikistan)
Counter: 5241 kms

It was a wonderful time in Kyrgyzstan! What a beautiful country!

Internet connection is really bad, I can't upload any photo. And I will be more expressive in a few days, after having ride the M41.

We (together with 4 swiss), left Sari-Tash (Kyrgyzstan) and made the big ride to the Tadjik border at 4280m. Those swiss guys are great, and even under the rain, mud, cold, altitude, we all 5 have a big smile on the face from dawn to dusk ;) Landscapes are crazy up here!

See you in Khorog!


  1. heureuse de constater que tu voyages avec de nouveaux amis... Bon courage à vous 5, je ne sais pas comment vous faites pour grimper à de telles altitudes!
    gros gros bisous

    1. Loulou?
      Pas besoin de courage, c'est juste du plaisir! Et pleins de bons souvenirs pour la suite...
