Thursday, September 5, 2013

High in the Pamirs!

Location: Khorog, Tadjikistan
Counter: 5762 kms

And then we met...

Carole, Simone, David and Sebastian. Four smily faces just dropped with their bikes in Sari-Tash, last station before Tadjikistan!

It is midday, the weather is not really nice, but it doesn't matter, as I would soon learn with them.

We are now a team. And we are leaving the next hour for Tadjikistan and the Pamirs... So perfect to meet them now, exactly like in my dreams, I can't believe it! We will soon be 10 days at about 4000 m above sea level, riding one of the highest plateau on earth, surrounded with beautiful mountainous landscape. The lowest point will be at about 3700m, the highest 4655m!

Let's go!

The energy of the group was so incredibly positive, I will never be able to describe it. We had really bad weather at the beginning, but each of us saw only big smiles on the other four faces, we heard only positive words coming from others. Passes were intense moments of celebration, seeing us clapsing in each others' arms again and again, exhulting our joice to be there, living those intense moments together.

And it went on again and again. We found terrific places to camp (we spent one night in the no man's land between Kyrgyz's and Tadjik's border ;)). We cooked three times a day in dramatic landscapes. We had a magic moment eating fishes fresh from the river with and thanks to a great Tadjik guy, just walking and fishing there. We got drank in Murghab in the afternoon and spent a wonderful evening discussing during hours and drinking beers and vodka, a few kilometers away. We spent evenings watching stars and enjoying exceptionnal conditions.

What a chance, what an unforgettable experience!

Carole, Simone, David, Sebastian: as I told you in many occasions, I love you! Thank you once again for all these moments we lived together. Thank you one million billion times for the place you gave me in your group, it felt so normal to be at your side, from the first minute, until the last. You are four great personalities, four strong characters, and I enjoyed every moments with you.

When I left you that morning, up there next to the Bulunkul, I had quite a difficult day. Beeing alone, after those intense days together, was not easy. My tears didn't stop to fall, I couldn't refrain it during hours. I ended the day totally KO from all those emotions, put the tent at the top of the last pass of the M41 and didn't find the energy to eat. But I was happy, so happy...

's warr di hühöre Geile! Dankre meine Fründe! Et à bientôt, mes Lapinoux ;)


  1. Sehr schöne Bilder! Es freut mich, dass es dir gut geht.
    Gruß Hanna

    1. Danke Dir! Liebe Grüße an allen Wießner, und bis bald in Dietenhan!

  2. Putain, j'ai la nostalgie du Pamir...

    1. Rooooh, le langage de charetier! J'espère que ma mère ne lit pas les commentaires ;)
      Mais tu as raison, 10 fois raison, putain! J'ai moi aussi la nostalgie de ces moments parfaits là-haut. Suis en Ousbékistan depuis 4 jours, et ai bien du mal à en profiter à sa juste mesure...
      Bonne route les amoureux!

    2. mais si... je lis régulièrement les récits de Anne et Benjamin. les commentaires sont amusants et j'ai bien rigolé en lisant anne et benja au Tibet... Bon voyage à tous

    3. Anonymous, suis-je ton fils ?

    4. Oui mon chéri...;)

  3. Wow beeindruckende Bilder!! Wahnsinn!!

    Peng!! Gruß Hansi

    1. Wahnsinn, gell?
      Bis ganz bald in Peiß oder Großhelfendorf, ich vermisse Euch ganz stark!
      Und: Peng peng!

  4. Entre paysages toujours plus grandioses et images plus intimistes déroutantes et qui semblent sorties d'un autre temps à nos yeux occidentaux, je profite du voyage !!
    Encore merci pour ce partage, bonne continuation el' Couz d'Gruson ;)

    1. Merci pour tes bons mots, mon Couz' eud Fretiiiin ;) Ça me redonne de la motivation, c'est pas facile de revenir au plancher des vaches après ça!

  5. Hallo Maxl,
    warten hier ganz sehnsüchtig auf Neuigkeiten und neue Bilder! Hoffe dir gehts gut!
    Liebe Grüße aus Großhelfendorf,

    1. Sers Kathrin!
      Genau heute um 11:30 war ich beim Schreiben, jetzt ist gepostet ;)
      Liebe Grüße an Euch alle nach Großhelfendorf
